Handling database migration with Pytest and SQLAlchemy

Handling database migration with Pytest and SQLAlchemy

September 24, 2021 | python, testing, programming

Recently I wanted to get pytest to work the same way pytest-django handles migrations and database fixtures. As a bonus, I wanted to add some custom =pytest=flags to control the database during tests.

import pytest

from sqlalchemy import MetaData, create_engine
from sqlalchemy import orm
from sqlalchemy_utils import create_database, database_exists, drop_database

from app import config as app_config
from app.db.session import SessionLocal

# we keep SessionLocal as default, but
# we later overwrite it if we use the testing
# db
TestingSessionLocal = SessionLocal

# see https://docs.pytest.org/en/stable/reference.html
# about pytest_addoption
def pytest_addoption(parser):
    # NOTE: when adding or removing an option,
    # remove to remove/add from app/conftest.py:addoption_params
        "--no-db", default=False, action="store_true", help="Disable testing database"
        help="Drop test database after running tests",
        "--reuse-db", default=False, action="store_true", help="Reuse previous database"
        help="Echo database queries to stdout",
        help="Provice custom database url",

def addoption_params(config):
    # NOTE: Params are defined pytest_addoption
    return {
        "drop-db": config.getoption("--drop-db"),
        "no-db": config.getoption("--no-db"),
        "reuse-db": config.getoption("--reuse-db"),
        "echo-db": config.getoption("--echo-db"),
        "database-uri": config.getoption("--database-uri"),

def pytest_configure(config):
    global TestingSessionLocal

    # check if we should ovewrite the database and
    # skip it if set
    params = addoption_params(config)
    if params.get("no-db"):

    database_uri = params.get("database-uri")
    echo_db = params.get("echo-db")

    if database_exists(database_uri):
        # if reuse-db is set, don't drop the database
        # as we want to use the previous database
        if not params.get("reuse-db"):

    engine = create_engine(database_uri, echo=echo_db)

    # dont drop and create the database if reuse-db is set
    if not params.get("reuse-db"):
        engine.execute("create extension pg_trgm;")

    # overwrite TestingSessionLocal with the testing database
    TestingSessionLocal = orm.sessionmaker(bind=engine, autocommit=True, autoflush=True)

def pytest_unconfigure(config):
    params = addoption_params(config)
    # nothing to do if no-db is set
    if params.get("no-db"):

    database_uri = params.get("database-uri")

    # don't drop the database if drop-db is set.
    if params.get("drop-db") and database_exists(database_uri):

def params(request):
    return addoption_params(request.config)

@pytest.fixture(autouse=True, scope="session")
def truncate_db(pytestconfig):
    params = addoption_params(pytestconfig)
    # don't truncate if no-db is set
    if params.get("no-db"):

    database_uri = params.get("database-uri")
    echo_db = params.get("echo-db")

    engine = create_engine(database_uri, echo=echo_db)
    meta = MetaData(bind=engine, reflect=True)

    con = engine.connect()
    trans = con.begin()

    # truncate all tables
    for table in meta.sorted_tables:
        con.execute(f'ALTER TABLE "{table.name}" DISABLE TRIGGER ALL;')
        con.execute(f'ALTER TABLE "{table.name}" ENABLE TRIGGER ALL;')


def db(mocker):
    # just to ensure.
    # Patch sqlalchemy's Session with TestingSessionLocal
    patched_session = mocker.patch(
        "sqlalchemy.orm.session.Session", return_value=TestingSessionLocal

    return patched_session

def db_session():
        db = TestingSessionLocal()
        yield db

I am unsure whether using pytest_configure to initialize the database and overwrite the TestingSessionLocal is the recommended or correct approach, but it works well.

The db fixture patches SQLAlchemy’s Session and sets TestingSessionLocal as the return value – I am unsure if this is needed, but it does seem to ensure that any call to Session returns TestingSessionLocal. Further, db_session returns an SQLAlchemy’s Session.

Finally, simply call the db_session fixture.


def test_create_users(db_session):
    assert len(db_session().query(models.User).all()) == 10


Update <2021-09-30 Thu> #

I forgot to mention that ideally, you would handle TestingSessionLocal as a normal SQLAlchemy’s Session and have different application configurations when running tests. In Django, you could manage this as different settings: app/settings.py for production and app/testing_settings.py. The reason I needed to add this hacky part had to do with the codebase I was working on. The codebase was not structured with the unit test in consideration and was going through some major refactors to improve, so I initially had to hack a little bit to get things to work well at the beginning.

Fortunately, the refactoring is going well, and we don’t need this hack anymore.

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